3 Tips to Stay Protected While in the Water

Our KINeSYS community is full of people who are passionate about exploring, playing, and pushing their limits in the great outdoors. Many of us are drawn to the water, and the endless adventures it holds; Ocean swims, dive trips, rafting, and simply spending time with the family.
It’s easy to be complacent about sunscreen while in the water, but the risk of getting burnt is often higher than other outdoor activities.
Sand and water reflect sunlight, increasing the amount of UV radiation you are exposed to. UV rays can also reach below the water’s surface, so you can still get a burn even if you’re in the water and feeling cool.
Whether you are diving in for pure recreation or swimming towards a big competition, this SPF blog has three vital sunscreen tips to stay protected from the sun.
Tip 1: Sunscreen Choice Matters
Water activities require high quality sunscreen to ensure you stay protected. Choose a product that is at least SPF 30, broad spectrum so you are protected from UVA and UVB rays, and also sweat and water resistant.
Tip 2: Application Comes FIRST
It’s important to carefully check the directions on your sunscreen bottle, and apply as directed. This is true for the amount of sunscreen to use, how to apply and to how often and when you should be reapplying.
KINeSYS Spray Sunscreens need to be applied at least 20 minutes before heading out into the sun. Many sunscreens need this time to effectively bond with the skin. KINeSYS SPF 30 Clear Zinc mineral sunscreen is effective immediately after application.
Remember to cover all exposed skin, making sure not to forget the ears and nose, back of the neck, arms, legs, hands and feet.
Tip 3: Apply, Reapply and REAPPLY AGAIN
Reapplication is vital to staying protected from the sun, this is particularly important when you are involved in water activities. Whenever you are spending time in the water, always reapply sunscreen every 80 minutes.
It's particularly important to note that if you have been swimming, and have then towelled dry, you’ll also be wiping away your protection. Make it a habit to reapply your sunscreen after towelling off, regardless of how long it has been between applications.